So, you know when your favorite aunt calls you to say that she's in the neighborhood and would like to pass by - just for a minute? In some contexts - like among Latinos - that's pretty common. And, sure! you would love to see her, but you are in your pj's and are definitely not prepared. Well, here are some tips for easy last minute preparations:

I always try to keep certain items in the pantry for those last minute visits:

  • Crackers and cookies are a must! Keep a selection of your favorites at home for special occasions (that means hiding them from hungry kids or partners!). Two of each will make your table look pretty, and will complement lemonade, tea or coffee.
  • Cheeeeeeese. I love cheese. Soft creamy cheese will go with almost anything. Boursain is one of my favorites, because it comes in different flavors. If you don't have those around, an easy trick is to pour some jam over cream cheese (queso Philadelphia, that's right!) for some sweet and savory spread. It looks pretty, it tastes better.
  • Veggies and veggies! Grab whatever you have in the fridge and make some veggie snacks. This time I happened to have enough to make these caprese skewers, but baby carrots, broccoli or even radishes will do it. 

To add some color, place cute napkins all over the table. They are a MUST for any party, so buy them when you see them and you will be always ready. That's the trick! 

I will also share the steps to prepare these skewers in another post :) They are super easy to make.

Thanks for reading!